The U.S. Army Partnership for Your Success (PaYS) program is a strategic
partnership between the U.S. Army and cross section of private industry, academia, and business,
federal, state and local agencies. The PaYS program connects enlisting Soldiers and Reserve Officers'
Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets to civilian companies, corporations, and government agencies for a
guaranteed interview and possible employment after the Army. A database matches future job vacancies
with the job skills offered by the Regular Army (RA), Army National Guard (NG) and Army Reserve (AR).
PaYS Soldiers select five PaYS partners with matching job skills to interview with upon completion of
training for NG and AR Soldiers or honorable discharge for RA Soldiers. A similar database is available
for ROTC Cadets.
Partners are required to enter into a Memorandum of Agreement (MOA). PaYS partners
enter their projected interviews into the PaYS database and agree to provide interviews to qualified PaYS
Soldiers & Reserve Officers' Training Corp (ROTC) Cadets. All positions must be for full time permanent
employment. Partners must identify an internal point of contact to monitor the program and manage the
PaYS Soldiers as they make contact for their employment interview. Visit for more information.
Click the appropriate link below the map to find the contact information for the
Army Recruiting Battalion responsible for your area at
To connect with the Army Reserve Officers' Training Corp (ROTC) program at the local university search
by state at
Your Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst (PMA) is always ready to assist and can also provide this
We post current interviews on all our social media sites and with the U.S. Army Transition Assistance Program (TAP)
To load interview positions and descriptions, you must access the PaYS Information
Exchange (PIX) database. A PIX account with a username and password will be set up for you by the PaYS
Help Desk. Only representatives or points of contacts (POCs) from PaYS partners have access to this
information. Interview descriptions and positions are forecasted by interview title and location in the PIX
database. Your Regional PaYS Marketing Analysts will match your available interviews to Army's military
occupational specialties (MOS) for PaYS Soldiers to select. ROTC Cadets select positions by career
Soldier's contact information is available in the PIX database located at PIX Detailed PaYS Soldier Report provide the names and contact information for
Soldiers who have selected your organization.
Yes. Copy and paste the Soldier's e-mail address from the PIX database and send
e-mail messages.
The term 'date available' on the PaYS Soldier Report indicates the estimated date
(day/month/year) PaYS Soldiers will be available for employment.
Expiration Term of Service (ETS) is the estimated date (month/year) Soldiers on
active duty service agreement is complete.
There are many different reasons. Soldiers and ROTC Cadets may be training or on a
deployment. Please call your Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst or the PaYS Helpdesk if you are unable to
contact your PaYS Soldiers/Cadets. Recommend your e-mails offer information on your company or
organization and any important information the Soldier/ROTC Cadet may need to apply for employment.
Soldiers and ROTC Cadets will contact you for their employment interview.
The PaYS Newsletter, The Partnership Connection, contains a list of upcoming
U.S. Army Transition Assistance Program (TAP) career fairs dates and locations. The
newsletter is available at You
can also access this information at
Call your Regional PaYS Marketing Analysts for assistance.
We cannot guarantee the availability of Army equipment, but you can always ask
your local Army Recruiting official or Army Reserve unit. Find your local Army Recruiting official by
clicking the link that coincides with your location below the map
They can introduce you to the local Army Reserve unit representative. To connect with the Army ROTC
program at the local university search by state at
Developing a relationship with your local Army representatives is vital to building a strong partnership
between you and the Army community.
In the PIX database there are five reports for you which provides information
about your PaYS Soldiers/Cadets. The Detailed PaYS Soldier Report allows you to see not only your
Soldiers/Cadets, but you can see the date when their PaYS reservation was reserved.
Contact the Army recruiting officials in your local area(s); invite recruiting
officials to your facility or ask to visit theirs. Develop a relationship with your local Army
recruiting officials to enhance your organization's visibility and association with the Army, PaYS
Program, its Soldiers and your local college and university Army ROTC departments. Conducting a signing
ceremony or a first hire media event lets the community know you are a participating PaYS partner. Share
a booth at the next college or high school career event and the word will get out. Coordinate with your
Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst to introduce you to your local ROTC departments to promote your company
to ROTC Cadets.
Certainly, let the PaYS helpdesk at
know of any employment application specific to the PaYS Soldiers. Put the specific instructions in the
interview description/qualifications section when loading positions into the PaYS database. Information will
be included in the printed Statement of Understanding (SOU) Soldiers receive during the enlistment
No. Soldiers must meet all predetermined qualifications listed.
No. Soldiers must complete their service requirements and receive an honorable
discharge to be eligible for the PaYS option.
The Memorandum of Agreement (MOA) states that you may consider the Soldier for
another position they may qualify for or consider them when an opportunity becomes available. If no
employment possibility exists, refer the Soldier to the PaYS helpdesk
Your Organization determines the type of interview to conduct that is best suited
for you and the PaYS Soldier; however, the information must be reported in the PIX database.
PaYS Cadets should only apply for positions with your company for which they are
only qualified for. Cadets will list their earned degree on their resume and a copy of their transcripts
should be provided upon request. In some cases, Cadets may apply for a position based on their work
experience and leadership and not their education background. When loading positions into the PaYS
database partners should work closely with their Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst to select the best
career field(s) for each position.
No, the PaYS program is free.
Soldiers are professionals who offer sought-after experience and skill-sets,
proven leadership, discipline and strong work ethics, decision-making capability, and are able to work
as part of a team. Soldiers are instilled with the Army Values; Loyalty, Duty, Respect, Selfless
Service, Honor, Integrity, and Personal Courage.
The Army will incur the cost for Soldiers leaving the Army with an honorable
discharge to return to their home of record. In cases where the location is further than their home of
record, Soldiers are responsible to pay for the difference.
Regular Army and Army Reserve Soldiers may have some higher education and/or a
college degree. All Reserve Officers' Training Corps (ROTC) Cadets will have a bachelor's degree at a
Absolutely, in fact the interview plan partners originally load in the PaYS database is
just a starting point. Soldiers may gain additional skills and education during their Army service or
may decide to settle in a different geographic location which makes them better suited for an advanced
or specialized position at the time of interview.
Check the Warrior Transition Command website at
Local Army Recruiting officials or your Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst can
coordinate a visit to the MEPS. Find your local Army Recruiting official by clicking the link that
coincides with your location below the map
A visit to MEPS is a good way to meet the Army guidance counselors who connect the enlisting Soldiers to
your projected future vacancies. You can also coordinate to attend training meetings, centers of
influence (COI) luncheons, community functions and/or recruiting events alongside the Army.
Contact the PaYS helpdesk at
or your Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst. For organizations experiencing hiring freezes, layoffs or
downsizing over the original 3-year interview plan, if previously projected positions are not available,
partners are encouraged to consider placing Soldiers in other positions or locations. The MOA asks that
you consider Soldiers for other positions they may qualify for or consider them when an opportunity
becomes available. Should no employment possibility exists; refer the Soldier to the PaYS helpdesk
The helpdesk will place the Soldier in ArmyPaYSNOW, an extension of the PaYS Program with access to
organizations offering immediate hiring opportunities.
Partners are encouraged to consider other positions or locations. The MOA asks
that you consider Soldiers for other positions they may qualify or consider them when an opportunity
becomes available. If no employment possibility exists, refer the Soldier to the PaYS helpdesk
Yes. All changes to interview descriptions and qualifications must be changed or updated
in the PIX database under the Interview Loading section. Be sure to contact your Regional PaYS Marketing
Analyst if any changes or updates are made.
Yes, additional positions are possible, however, contact your Regional PaYS
Marketing Analyst. The Interview Report in the PIX database provides a real-time count of available interviews. Each
year additional interview postings are required to ensure current positions are available for enlisting
Yes, interviews can be posted on our PaYS Facebook page and all of our social
media platforms.. We will even post your interviews in our monthly PaYS newsletter. Remember to "Like"
and "Follow" us on all of our social media platforms.
Yes, the Memorandum of Agreement is with your organization. Contact your Regional
Marketing Analyst to present an updated PaYS briefing with any new personnel.
Since the inception of the PaYS Program in October 2000, we have grown to over 975
private companies, corporations and public sector agency partners. The Program has influenced over
302,298 Regular Army Soldiers and 65,457 Army National Guard/Army Reserve Soldiers to join the US Army.
Since expanding to Reserve Officers' Training Corp (ROTC) in 2008, 2,106 Regular and 1,127 Reserve
Component Cadets have selected a PaYS partner to set themselves up for success. Another component
factored into the Program's measure of success is the relationships and partnerships between PaYS
partners and the local Army Recruiting and ROTC Battalions. Working side-by-side with an Army Recruiter
at a career fair or jointly staffing a booth at a state fair sends a powerful message throughout a
community. This relationship can help overcome barriers based on fear, lack of knowledge and
misinformation which helps to impact local perceptions toward Army service. The publicity generated from
respected employers and the Army working together promotes the Army as a valuable employer of
well-trained and motivated Soldiers who are sought in the workplace.
Contact your Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst to review your current positions; he
may recommend additional military occupational specialties to increase the amount of Soldiers viewing
your positions. The number of positions available and year of availability may also need adjustments.
Working with the local Army recruiting battalion personnel at community events and career fairs will get
your organization known to the recruiters and bring awareness to the community of your partnership with
the Army. Get involved with your local colleges and university ROTC departments to bring awareness to
your company. Building relationships with the Army National Guard and Army Reserve units in your areas
will also give you a greater return on investment.
Once the candidate meets the requirements to join the Army/Army Reserve they
select their military occupational specialty (MOS) and other associated enlistment incentives (cash
bonus, college money, and loan repayment program). The Recruiters or Guidance Counselors screen the PaYS
partner projected positions to match the Army's military occupational specialty (MOS). The enlisting
Soldier reviews the PaYS Partner interview title/description/qualifications and location and selects their
organization of choice.
Yes, providing the position exists and the Soldier is qualified.
Forward all of your job vacancies to your Regional PaYS Marketing Analyst and they
will forward your vacancies to the U.S. Army Transition Assistance Program (TAP).